Surplus Asset Program

Unlock The Potential Value of Surplus Assets

  • Cash Offer & Store Credit

    In every offer, we issue store credit that can be used to buy equipment or parts at*.

  • Free Up Yard Space

    Freeing up yard space reduces clutter, allows you to optimize operations, and turn idle equipment into valuable capital.

  • Purchase & Catalog

    We will purchase and catalog your equipment into our comprehensive online database; accessible to you and your employees 24/7.

  • Flexible Buy-Back Option

    We offer a flexible buy-back option, allowing you to reacquire sold units at anytime**.

Surplus Assets graphic

Our surplus asset management solution was created for your success. Whether you need access to more comprehensive data profiles on equipment or to save on yard space, Tri-Logic can transform your surplus equipment into a useful resource.

As a bonus, Tri-Logic can help you deploy, refurbish, and service all of your production and processing equipment. 

*Valid for 12 months from the bill of sale date and excludes consigned equipment, services, and shipping/freight. 

**Subject to unit availability. Buy back at Tri-Logic’s total cost + 30%. Store credit cannot be used if buy-back is initiated.